The Reimagine Stage 2 project was delivered in partnership with the following organisations:
With MANY THANKS to all the people that worked on the project, especially those that shared their lived experiences of mental health concerns, to help improve these support resources for people on their NDIS and recovery journeys…
Alba, Am, Amanda, Amira, Ana, Anastasia, Andrew, Annaliese, Anne, Anthony, Alana, Arlene, Asha, Astrid, Averil, Barbara, Barry, Bec, Bibiana, Braden, Brett, Brianna, Bronwyn, Brooke, Carrie, Carmel, Cath, Cathryn, Charles, Charlie, Charntay, Christina, Connie, Corinne, Craig, David, Deb, Debbie, Deborah, Des, Don, Dwayne, Elaine, Em, Emily, Emma, Erika, Erin, Fiona, Floyd, Georgie, Georgina, Glenyss, Grahame, Hanaf, Heather, Helen, Huli, Ismail, Iz, Jackie, Jan, Janet, Jasmine, Jazz, Jim, Joanne, Joe, Jorge, Joh, Josh, Josie, Julie, June, Kaegyn, Katherine, Kathy, Katrina, Kay, Kieran, Kim, Kim, Kristen, Kristie, Kristy, Kylie, Laura, Laurie, Leanne, Lis, Lisa, Lorelle, Lorna, Lynette, Mads, Magali, Mai, Margaret, Margherita, Maria, Maria, Mark, Mark, Marty, Mary, Matthew, Max, Melanie, Melanie, Melissa, Mely, Merelle, Merrilee, Michael, Michelle, Michelle, Mohamed, Naser, Naomi, Ni, Noelene, Padma, Phoenix, Richard, Rhea, Rob, Robert, Ruth, Ryley, Saee, Sally, Samuel, Sandi, Sandy, Sarah, Satish, Scott, Shanna, Shandana, Shandy, Shanice, Sharmila, Shellander, Shu, Stephanie, Stuart, Sue, Sylvia, Tahlia, Ted, Tina, Thomas, Tracey, Tracey, Troy, Vanessa, Victor, Vinay, Vincent, Vivi, Wendy, Xi, Yuchen, Zara
Thanks for all your work!
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