Step 2 – Local Area Coordinators


Local Area Coordinators (LACs) have been set up by the NDIA to support both people who are eligible and people who are ineligible for the NDIS.

LACs are the public face of the NDIS in the community. They are local workers whose organisations are funded by the NDIA to deliver the NDIS in local communities.

  • These are the workers you will speak with most about the NDIS. They will support you as you move from stage to stage of your NDIS journey
  • LACs must work in line with the NDIS Act 2013 and NDIA work practices.


How can Local Area Coordinators support you?

Local Area Coordinators (LACs) have three main roles:

1) Support you to understand and access the NDIS

And, if you become an NDIS participant:

  • Help you create your first plan
  • Identify if you need additional help with your plan, such as ‘support coordination’
  • Review your plan and set new goals 

2) Link you with information and support in your community, whether you become a funded NDIS      participant or not

3) Work with the local community to improve accessibility for people with a disability.

LAC community partner organisations are all around Australia. How they are each organised varies based on local agreements between State, Territory and Commonwealth governments. A list of LAC offices is here: National Disability Insurance Agency office list. 

In Step 2 of your workbook you can make a note of your local LAC office.

Everyone is unique and your experience with the NDIS will be distinctly yours. It  will include your LAC partner and other community organisations along with the NDIA.

Speak to someone at your Local Area Coordination office. Your LAC will help you. They will also work with your family or carer, and any current support workers, if you want them as well. 

LACs do not decide whether you are eligible for the NDIS or the level of funding you get. This is done by the NDIA’s National Access Team and Planning and Support Coordinators.

Useful link

Local Area Coordination

To help support your application to the NDIS download the Reimagine Your Life Workbook

As you explore the 6 steps to accessing the NDIS, you will be guided to activities in the Reimagine Your Life Workbook, where you can complete questions and activities to support your application.

Co-designed with people living with mental health conditions and their support networks.
  • Produced by the

  • Funded by the

Accessing the ndis in 6 Steps.