Even if you are not eligible there are many things you can do towards living a meaningful and contributing life and there are other support options in your local community.
You can find information about other supports through:
There is no national resource for accessing all available mental health programs. However, as part of the Australian Government’s mental health reforms, there is a new online Mental Health Gateway called Head to Health https://headtohealth.gov.au/.
The gateway directs people to the help they need and is a first point of entry to mental health services. It aims to help people living with a mental health condition to more easily navigate these services by providing online access and telephone support to assist with:
ACT Health Mental Health Services – Mental Health Triage Ph: 1800 629 354 (free call except from mobiles) Ph: (02) 6205 1065: http://health.act.gov.au/our-services/mental-health/act-wide-mental-health-services
ACT Mental Health Consumer Network: http://www.actmhcn.org.au/
The ACT Mental Health Consumer Network is a consumer-led peak organisation representing the interests of mental health consumers in the ACT in policy and decision-making forums. The Network is committed to social justice and the inclusion of people with experience of mental illness.
Mental Health Carers Voice: http://www.carersvoice.com.au/
Mental Health Carers Voice is a program for mental health carers to inform service delivery and policy development in the ACT.
Mental Health Community Coalition of ACT: http://www.mhccact.org.au/about/
The Mental Health Community Coalition of the ACT (MHCC ACT), established in 2004 as a peak agency, provides vital advocacy, representational and capacity building roles for the community managed mental health sector in the ACT. This sector covers the range of non-government organisations that offer recovery, early intervention, prevention, health promotion and community support services for people with a mental illness.
NSW Ministry of Health (Mental Health Branch) Mental Health Line Ph. 1800 011 511: http://www.health.nsw.gov.au/mentalhealth/Pages/contact-service.aspx
Way Ahead Mental Health Association NSW: https://wayahead.org.au/
Way Ahead provides broad range of services including the provision of mental health service information contained in their Way Ahead Directory.
Being: http://being.org.au/
Being is the independent, state-wide peak organisation for people with a lived experience of mental illness.
Mental Health Carers NSW: https://www.mentalhealthcarersnsw.org/
Mental Health Carers NSW is a non-government organisation that provides advocacy and support for families, relatives and friends of people who experience mental illness, living in NSW.
Mental Health Coordinating Council: http://www.mhcc.org.au/
The Mental Health Coordinating Council (MHCC) is the peak body for community mental health organisations in New South Wales.
Northern Territory Mental Health Line (Mental Health Access Team) Ph. 1800 682 288: https://nt.gov.au/wellbeing/mental-health/24-hour-mental-health-hotlines
Carers NT: https://carersnt.asn.au/
Carers NT is the key organisation representing the Northern Territory’s estimated 30,000 family carers.
Northern Territory Mental Health Coalition: https://www.ntmhc.org.au/
The Northern Territory Mental Health Coalition (NTMHC) is the peak body for community managed (NGO) mental health sector in the Northern Territory.
Queensland Health Ph. 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84): Find a Mental Health Service: https://www.qld.gov.au/health/mental-health/help-lines/services/index.html
Mental Health Carers Arafmi QLD: http://www.arafmiqld.org/
Mental Health Carers Arafmi Queensland is a uniquely carer-based organisation formed by families who experience the loss, loneliness, stigma and isolation of caring for loved ones with serious mental illness.
Queensland Alliance for Mental Health: http://qldalliance.org.au/
Queensland Alliance for Mental Health is the peak body for the community mental health sector. Queensland Alliance for Mental health promote, strengthen and develop the value and professionalism of the community mental health sector, to provide community-based, recovery-orientated responses for people who experience mental health issues.
SA Health Mental Health Triage Service / Assessment and Crisis Intervention Service, Ph. 13 14 65: https://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/public+content/sa+health+internet/services/mental+health+and+drug+and+alcohol+services/mental+health+services/acute+mental+health+services
Health Consumers Alliance of South Australia: http://www.hcasa.asn.au/
HCA was established in 2002 as the peak body for health consumers.
Carers South Australia: http://carers-sa.asn.au/
Carers SA is the statewide ‘voice of family carers’, representing and providing valued service and support to family carers across the state.
Mental Health Coalition of South Australia: http://www.mhcsa.org.au/
The Mental Health Coalition of South Australia is the peak body for the non-government mental health sector in South Australia.
Department of Health and Human Services – Statewide Mental Health Services Ph. 1300 135 513: http://www.dhhs.tas.gov.au/mentalhealth/mhs_tas
Flourish Mental Health Action In Our Hands: http://flourishtas.org.au/
Flourish works with mental health consumers to ensure that their rights, responsibilities and opinions are respected by policy makers, service providers and the Tasmanian Community.
Mental Health Carers Tasmania: http://www.mentalhealthcarerstas.org.au/
Mental Health Carers Tasmania (MHCTas) is a statewide leader in the provision of Mental Health carer support.
Mental Health Council of Tasmania: https://www.mhct.org/
The Mental Health Council of Tasmania (MHCT) is the peak body representing the interests of the community mental health sector in Tasmania including consumer, carer and service provider organisations.
Health Victoria Mental Health Services General Enquiries: 1300 767 299 (9.00 am to 5.00 pm) or 03 9096 8287: http://www.health.vic.gov.au/mentalhealthservices/
Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council (VMIAC): http://www.vmiac.org.au/
VMIAC is the peak Victorian non-government organisation for people with lived experience of mental health or emotional issues. VMIAC engages in a number of activities, including information provision, mutual support and self-help, individual, group and systemic advocacy, research and evaluation, and education and training.
Tandem (formerly Victorian Mental Health Carers Network): http://tandemcarers.org.au/
Tandem is the peak body for families and carers of people experiencing mental illness and emotional distress in Victoria.
Psychiatric Disability Services of Victoria (VICSERV): http://www.vicserv.org.au/
VICSERV is the peak body representing community managed mental health services in Victoria.
WA Department of Health mental health emergency 24/7 Ph. 1300 555 788 or 1800 522 002 (toll free)
Consumers of Mental Health WA: http://www.comhwa.org.au/
Consumers of Mental Health WA (CoMHWA), is a non-profit, community based organisation dedicated to supporting mental health reform and recovery of people with lived experience of mental health issues. CoMHWA is led by consumers, for consumers.
Helping Minds: http://helpingminds.org.au/
Helping Minds provide quality, confidential support and services to children, youth, adults and families who are caring for someone with a mental illness or individuals who are affected by a mental illness.
Western Australian Association for Mental Health: https://waamh.org.au/
The Western Australian Association for Mental Health (WAAMH) is the peak body of the community-managed mental health sector in Western Australia, with more than 100 organisational and individual members.
If you are overwhelmed or distressed, the following crisis services may be useful:
Crisis support lines 24/7
For current and former Australian Defence Force (ADF) members and their families
You can also get help from:
Emergency assistance 000
If you need emergency assistance phone 000 for police, ambulance or fire services.
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